Heads Up Flower Garden is located at the STVM Garden, a green space owned and operated by the St. Vincent St. Mary School. The school has generously allowed use of this area for agricultural and community projects to exist. The garden serves as an educational tool and as recreation for both the school and the greater community. The STVM Garden has been supported by funds from the G.A.R Foundation and is overseen by the STVM Board of Directors, administration and garden coordinator, Joanna Miller.

About the

Flower gardener

Gardener Alyssa D’Amico became connected with STVM Garden in 2018. She would pass the garden frequently and wanted to be involved.

Over the past decade, Alyssa has worked on several organic vegetable and animal farms, education centers and intentional communities.

She currently spends her time checking in on the garden, working with adults with disabilities and creating art.